I used an XDm 9mm (purchased legally in CA
on single shot exemption), my daughter 14
used an XD compact (we own those), my 18
year old rented an XD from FS.
I bought all my ammo from FS, although not
happy with that Independence brand and will
bring my own next time.
Took my two oldest daughters to FS last week for the 4-Day Defensive Handgun Course. They had a great time! :)
I feel 100% they can clear type 1, 2, and 3 malfunctions now; and they came back
feeling a lot more "responsible" and adult like than when they went out there.
It was a pretty cool experience to go with my daughters. This is my second 4-day
class out there. I am going to go back out for a 2-Day Skill Builder in January.
The only concern I had really is that in the steel
match I had three clean shots and was done
where most folks were averaging 5 or more.
These shooters get it in their head in that steel
match that it's a race game and many of them
end up shooting their hostage. I don't know how
I feel about that. The guy on my left during the test dumped half a mag into the hostage during
the steel match and still managed to graduate
even with a worse score on the final test. That
doesn't seem right. I am proud to say although I
did not graduate again, I didn't harm a single
hostage and did get the hostage takers.
Anyways, it was a great family trip. The kids are
100% respectful of their guns and are 100%
safe. That was very good for me to see, and they
did say they wanted to go back with me yearly,
which was good.
Ashley is 14, and Amber just turned 18. I have
another daughter who is only 4, so she is not
ready but go someday when I feel she is ready.
It would be nice if they had an indoor range for
when it rains though!
We stayed at Best Western, and loved it!